Great Job Hilda!

Blue Christmas - Longest Night
December 21, 2023

Getting Ready and Presenting the Live Nativity Scene
December 17-18, 2023
Setting up
Live Nativity Scene
December 10, 2023
Gingerbread Houses
December 10, 2023
Hanging the Green
in preparation for
And Enjoying
Nov. 26, 2023
Children's Worship Time
November 26, 2023

We were pleased to welcome Perry Chang, the 2023 Moderator of the Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky, to our worship and potluck on October 1.
Roadside Clean-up Crew
August 5, 2023

Hard at Work!
Fellowship and Easter Egg Hunt following Easter Morning Worship, April 9, 2023
Blue Christmas Service
Sprucing Up the Church!
Live Nativity Scene!
Setting Up the Nativity Scene.
Making Cookies for the
Christmas Bazaar!
Getting Ready
Church Picnic
October 16, 2022
Kid's Club
Decorating Gingerbread Houses!
December 12, 2021
Kid's Club - Pumpkin Painting
Once again, the pumpkins and paint arrive, ready to be joined in neat creations! This time, in October 2021, we're back in the Activities Building for this fun event for young and young at heart.
A big thanks to everyone who made it possible.

Kid's Club - Pumpkin Painting
We set up tables, distanced, outside and had a Kids Club gathering to paint pumpkins today! We had seen each other on Zoom, but first time to be on the church grounds for a kids activity. It was good. Thanks to all who gave candy, so we could assemble treat bags to give the children. Thanks also to folks who brought pumpkins, made sure we had paint and other supplies and to Joyce Jaco who made Hoop masks for us to share with the kids.
Here is a slideshow of photos we took.

Back Porch Prayer Group Celebrates 10 Years!
Christmas Shoeboxes - 2019

Erecting a New Bell Tower!

2019 Church Picnic Slideshow
Recognizing Our High School Graduates - 2019
Honoring Katie Milby and Carlito Lucio.

Celebrating our 160th anniversary!

Getting ready to shine in time
for our 160th anniversary!

Talking about finding God's love at the Lord's Table
during morning worship on May 6.
Thanks to Monica Shockley for the picture.

The Biblical Meal for our Maundy Thursday Service was a great way to remember
Jesus' last supper with his disciples.
Thank you again to Bonnie Dunaway for all the work putting the meal together!
Also thanks to the Biblical History Center for the inspiration!

Hebron Presbyterian Women at the 2018 Mid-Kentucky Presbyterian Women's Spring Gathering!

Dare To Care Hunger Walk in Louisville, 2017

Lunch with the Tuesday Back Porch Prayer Group

Group that traveled to the Biblical Antiquities Center in LaGrange, Georgia in Spring of 2017.

Advent 2016

Christmas Poster Coloring 2016